

  1. taistelutahto, moraali



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Englannin sanakirja

morale (englanti > suomi)

  1. moraali

morale englanniksi

  1. The capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others.

  2. After the layoffs morale was at an all time low, they were so dispirited nothing was getting done.

    Morale is an important quality in soldiers. With good morale theyll charge into a hail of bullets; without it they won't even cross a street.''

  3. 2012 November 2, Ken Belson, "," New York Times (retrieved 2 November 2012):

  4. Proponents of the race — notably Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Mary Wittenberg, director of the marathon — said the event would provide a needed morale boost, as well as an economic one.
  5. ethics Ethics, morality

  6. (feminine singular of)

  7. moral

  8. morals

  9. moral philosophy

  10. English morale

  11. (inflection of)
