

  1. pöytävuori




Rimmaavat sanat

mesa rimmaa näiden kanssa:

riesa, vesa, juurivesa, tyvivesa...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

mesa (englanti > suomi)

  1. ylätasanko, pöytävuori

mesa englanniksi

  1. Flat area of land or plateau higher than other land, with one or more clifflike edges

  2. A few more miles of hot sand and gravel and red stone brought us around a low mesa to the w:Little Colorado River|Little Colorado.

  3. (quote-journal)|date=27 November 2013|passage=Those multitoned buttes and mesas of the (w), and that incandescent sequence of colorful bands that make one of the natural wonders of the world so grand, can also be found over 100 million miles away on Mars.

  4. table

  5. all items set on a table for a meal

  6. board; directors of an organization

  7. {{got-romanization of|
