

  1. arkinen matematiikka

  2. arkinen laskelma, lasku


\vec n = \pm {\vec x_u \times \vec x_v \over \lVert \vec x_u \times \vec x_v \rVert}

If you do the math, youll see that it’s not such a bargain.

Liittyvät sanat: teipio

Englannin sanakirja

math (englanti > suomi)

  1. matikka

math englanniksi

  1. A mowing; what is gathered from mowing.

  2. puhekieltä (short for)

  3. puhekieltä arithmetic Arithmetic calculation calculations; (qualifier).

  4. If you do the math, youll see that it’s not such a bargain.''

    $170 a month? That doesn’t sound right. Let me check your math.

  5. puhekieltä A math course.

  6. They needed to take two more maths in order to graduate.

  7. 2010, Claude Regis Vargo, Beyond My Horizon (ISBN 1608445658), page 108:

  8. Then, I further worked myself into an A+ panic attack with the realization that on top of the algebra, I would have to take three more maths, from a choice of calculus, finite math, statistics, logic, or differential equation.
  9. good

  10. (ux)

  11. well

  12. advantage, profit, use, utility

  13. forgive, excuse, pardon, condone, remit

  14. kind, sort, type
