

  1. syy, tekosyy

Liittyvät sanat: excusable



esimerkki, tapaus, anteeksipyyntö, puolustus, oikeutus, puolustelu, alibi, tekosyy, selitys, veruke, lievennys, kaunistella, kiillottaa, antaa anteeksi, katsoa läpi sormien, suvaita, oikeuttaa, rationaalistaa, rationalisoida, puolustella.


Rimmaavat sanat

excuse rimmaa näiden kanssa:

lause, kiilalause, vastalause, mietelause, esimerkkilause, jälkilause, finaalilause, temporaalilause, oppilause, ponsilause...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

excuse (englanti > suomi)

  1. tekosyy, veruke

excuse englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To forgive; to pardon.

  2. I excused him his transgressions.

  3. Shakespeare

  4. I must excuse what cannot be amended.
  5. Archbishop Sharp

  6. A man's persuasion that a thing is duty, will not excuse him from guilt in practising it, if really and indeed it be against God's law.
  7. puhekieltä To allow to leave.

  8. May I be excused from the table?

    I excused myself from the proceedings to think over what Id heard.''

  9. puhekieltä To provide an excuse for; to explain, with the aim of alleviating guilt or negative judgement.

  10. You know he shouldnt have done it, so don't try to excuse his behavior!''

  11. To relieve of an imputation by apology or defense; to make apology for as not seriously evil; to ask pardon or indulgence for.

  12. Bible, 2. Corinthians xii. 19

  13. Think ye that we excuse ourselves to you?
  14. puhekieltä Explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgment.

  15. 1604-11, Bible ((w)), Luke: XIV:18

  16. And they all with one consent began to make excuse.

    Tell me why you were late – and I dont want to hear any excuses!''

  17. puhekieltä A defense to a criminal or civil charge wherein the accused party admits to doing acts for which legal consequences would normally be appropriate, but asserts that special circumstances relieve that party of culpability for having done those acts.

  18. puhekieltä or (m) An example.(attention)

  19. That thing is a poor excuse for a gingerbread man. Hasnt anyone taught you how to bake?''

    Hes a sorry excuse of a doctor.''

  20. (l)

  21. (inflection of)

  22. (es-verb form of)
