

  1. nuolaisu

  2. sipaisu, maalikerros tms.


It needs a lick of paint.



nyrkinisku, isku, lyönti, läimäys, tälli, vastaisku, vastaliike, haymaker-lyönti, tyrmäysisku, voimakas lyönti, koukku.

Rimmaavat sanat

lick rimmaa näiden kanssa:

slapstick, joystick...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

lick (englanti > suomi)

  1. nuolla

  2. pieksää

  3. klaarata

lick englanniksi

  1. The act of licking; a stroke of the tongue.

  2. The cat gave its fur a lick.

  3. The amount of some substance obtainable with a single lick.

  4. Give me a lick of ice cream.

  5. A quick and careless application of anything, as if by a stroke of the tongue, or of something which acts like a tongue.

  6. a lick of paint; to put on colours with a lick of the brush

  7. Gray

  8. a lick of court white wash
  9. A place where animals lick minerals from the ground.

  10. The birds gathered at the clay lick.

  11. A small watercourse or ephemeral stream. It ranks between a rill and a stream.

  12. We used to play in the lick.

  13. puhekieltä A stroke or blow.

  14. Hit that wedge a good lick with the sledgehammer.

  15. puhekieltä A bit.

  16. You dont have a lick of sense.''

    I didnt do a lick of work today.''

  17. puhekieltä A short motif.

  18. There are some really good blues licks in this solo.

  19. speed Speed. (qualifier)

  20. The bus was travelling at a good lick when it swerved and left the road.

  21. To stroke with the tongue.

  22. The cat licked its fur.

  23. puhekieltä To defeat decisively, particularly in a fight.

  24. My dad can lick your dad.

  25. puhekieltä To overcome.

  26. I think I can lick this.

  27. puhekieltä To perform cunnilingus.

  28. puhekieltä To do anything partially.

  29. puhekieltä To lap

  30. 1895, H. G. Wells, The Time Machine Chapter XI

  31. Now, in this decadent age the art of fire-making had been altogether forgotten on the earth. The red tongues that went licking up my heap of wood were an altogether new and strange thing to Weena.
  32. To lap; to take in with the tongue.

  33. A cat licks milk.

