

  1. (tyttöjen tai naisten) pikkuhousut, alushousut



alushousut, pikkuhousut, polvihousut, shortsit, sortsit, pökät, housut, kalsarit, monikko, monikkomuoto.

Rimmaavat sanat

knickers rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

knickers englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä knickerbockers Knickerbockers.

  2. 1931, William Faulkner, Sanctuary, Vintage 1993, p. 29:

  3. Students in the University were not permitted to keep cars, and the men – hatless, in knickers and bright pull-overs – looked down upon the town boys who wore hats cupped rigidly upon pomaded heads ....
  4. 1946, Mezz Mezzrow and Bernard Wolfe, Really the Blues, Payback Press 1999, p. 77:

  5. He was a student at Notre Dame, a robust Joe-College kind of kid, husky and tall and always dressed in plus-four knickers.
  6. puhekieltä woman|Women's underpants.

  7. 2010, Sali Hughes, ‘Calendar girls galore’, The Guardian, 24 Apr 2010:

  8. The debate here is not over whether raising £26,000 (and counting) for our troops is a wonderful thing – it unarguably is – but over whether, whenever times are tough and money must be found, our default reaction as women should be to take off our knickers to help out?
  9. A mild exclamation of annoyance.

  10. (abbreviation of)

  11. (ux)
