



Liittyvät sanat: jellona.

Rimmaavat sanat

jello rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kello, työaikakello, hiekkakello, ruokakello, kaulakello, munakello, aisakello, iltakello, kultakello, rannekello...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

jello englanniksi

  1. A dessert made by boiling gelatin in water

  2. 1940, w:Carson McCullers|Carson McCullers, w:The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter|The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, 2004 Houghton Mifflin ed., ISBN 0618526412, page 306,

  3. The jello was gone in five minutes and the cigarette smoked.
  4. 2002, Rich Zubaty, Your Brain Is Not Your Own, ISBN 1589391306, page 159,

  5. Distribution of cherry jello was stepped up to college campus towns across America.
  6. 2006, Xana, Harvest Moon, AuthorHouse, ISBN 142593000X, page 178,

  7. She didn't want to eat anything heavy and decided that jello had zero fat content.
