

  1. väkänen, särmä (esim. kivessä)

  2. yhteys|slangia|k=en ryyppyputki

  3. yhteys|slangia|k=en kohtaus


I wasnt in the mood to go on a real crying jag. – En ollut sillä tuulella että olisin jaksanut aloittaa kunnon itkukohtausta

Liittyvät sanat: jagbetonad, jagform, jagmedvetande



kohtuuttomuus, harkitsemattomuus, nautinnonhaluisuus, annos, läppä, halkio, lovi, rako.

Liittyvät sanat: jaguaari.


  1. Jagge: Jaguar -merkkinen auto : Mä en tsennaa bilikoist, mutta Jagget on hyvännäkösii.


Rimmaavat sanat

jag rimmaa näiden kanssa:

jet lag, tag...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

jag englanniksi

  1. A sharp projection.

  2. Holland

  3. garments thus beset with long jags
  4. 1798, (w), (w), lines 323-7, http://www.bartleby.com/101/549.html

  5. The thick black cloud was cleft, and still / The Moon was at its side; / Like waters shot from some high crag, / The lightning fell with never a jag, / A river steep and wide.
  6. 1909, (w), London: A Book of Aspects, self-published, p. 3, https://archive.org/details/cu31924028075244

  7. The especial beauty of London is the Thames, and the Thames is so wonderful because the mist is always changing its shapes and colours, always making its light mysterious, and building palaces of cloud out of mere Parliament Houses with their jags and turrets.
  8. 1956, (w), (w), Collins, 1998, Chapter 16,

  9. Even if you hadn’t been drowned, you would have been smashed to pieces by the terrible weight of water against the countless jags of rock.
  10. A part broken off; a fragment.

  11. (rfquotek)

  12. 1852, (w), "(w)" section 52 in (w), New York: Modern Library, 1921, p. 77, https://archive.org/details/leavesofgrass00whit

  13. I depart as air, I shake my white locks at the runway sun, / I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags.
  14. puhekieltä A cleft or division.

  15. puhekieltä A medical injection.

  16. To cut unevenly.

  17. puhekieltä To tease.

  18. Enough liquor to make a person noticeably drunk; a skinful.

  19. A binge or period of overindulgence; a spree.

  20. 1939, (w), The Big Sleep, Penguin 2011, page 88:

  21. ‘People who spend their money for second-hand sex jags are as nervous as dowagers who can't find the rest-room.’
  22. A fit, spell, outburst.

  23. 1985, (w), The Prick of Noon, Penguin, Chapter 9, p. 165,

  24. Of course she did not lose her sense of humor (not necessarily to be confused with her laughing fits, which are crying jags turned inside out according to the shrinks).
  25. 1997, (w), (w), Simon & Schuster, 2007, Part 4, Chapter 1, p. 396, https://books.google.ca/books?id=Ug3ArDMHLnQC&printsec=frontcoverv=onepage&q&f=false

  26. Miles had a cold, he always had a cold, it went unnoticed, went without saying, he had coughing jags and slightly woozy eyes, completely unremarked by people who knew him (..)
  27. A one-horse cart load, or, in modern times, a truck load, of hay or wood.

  28. puhekieltä A leather bag or wallet; puhekieltä saddlebags.

  29. hurry, rush

  30. twinge, (a sudden sharp pain; a darting local pain of momentary continuance; as, a twinge in the arm or side)

  31. (imperative of)

  32. (de-verb form of)

  33. puhekieltä (de-verb form of)

  34. (jbo-rafsi of)

  35. fire

  36. I

  37. Jag läser en bok.

    'Im''' reading a book.

    Bara du och jag.

    Just you and me.

  38. puhekieltä I, self
