

  1. involuutio



muodon muutos, kietoutuminen, kietominen, kääriminen, monimutkaisuus, kompleksisuus, mutkikkuus, yksityiskohtaisuus, taidokkuus, lauserakenne, ilmaus, mutkikas rakenne, involuutio, palautuminen, luonnollinen prosessi, biologinen prosessi.

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Englannin sanakirja

involution englanniksi

  1. entanglement Entanglement; a spiralling inwards; intricacy.

  2. 1938, (w), (w), chapter V, page 74,,

  3. (..)usually his attention was diverted from her feet by her shrieks of laughter and the astounding involutions of her huge brown-yellow frame.
  4. 1968, (w), (w), 2002, The Complete Enderby, page 302,

  5. ‘Gomez,’ said the mortician, ‘is an expert only on the involutions of his own rectum.’
  6. puhekieltä An endofunction whose square is equal to the identity function; a function equal to its inverse.

  7. 1996, Alfred J. Menezesm, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, page 10,

  8. Involutions have the property that they are their own inverses.
  9. puhekieltä The shrinking of an organ (such as the uterus) to a former size.

  10. puhekieltä The regressive changes in the body occurring with old age.

  11. puhekieltä A power: the result of raising one number to the power of another.
