

  1. nöyrä, vaatimaton



alhaissukuinen, alempiarvoinen, alhainen, halpa-arvoinen, vähäpätöinen, vaatimaton, yksinkertainen, ala-arvoinen, ammattitaidoton, kömpelö, taitamaton, koruton, pieni.

Rimmaavat sanat

humble rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

humble (englanti > suomi)

  1. vaatimaton

  2. vaatimaton, nöyrä

  3. to humiliate nöyryyttää

humble englanniksi

  1. not pretentious or magnificent; unpretending; unassuming

  2. He lives in a humble one-bedroom cottage.

    Thy humble nest built on the ground. -Cowley.

  3. Thinking lowly of oneself; claiming little for oneself; not proud, arrogant, or assuming; modest.

  4. {{quote-journal

  5. God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Jas. iv. 6.

    She should be humble who would please. -Prior.

    Without a humble imitation of the divine Author of our . . . religion we can never hope to be a happy nation. -Washington.

  6. To bring low; to reduce the power, independence, or exaltation of; to lower; to abase; to humiliate.

  7. Here, take this purse, thou whom the heavens plagues have humbled to all strokes.'' -Shak.

    The genius which humbled six marshals of France. -Macaulay.

  8. To make humble or lowly in mind; to abase the pride or arrogance of; to reduce the self-sufficiency of; to make meek and submissive; -- often used reflexively.

  9. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you. 1 Pet. Ch 5: v. 6.

  10. hornless.

  11. humble cattle

  12. English humble

  13. (alternative form of)

  14. (quote-book)
