


tylsämielisyys, horros, väsymys, verkkaisuus.

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Englannin sanakirja

hebetude (englanti > suomi)

  1. tylsämielisyys

hebetude englanniksi

  1. mental Mental lethargy or dullness.

  2. 1926, T. E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom:

  3. Incuriousness was the most potent ally of our imposed order; for Eastern government rested not so much on consent or force, as on the common supinity, hebetude, lack-a-daisiness, which gave a minority undue effect.
  4. 1985?, (w), “The Lost Mariner”, chapter 2 in (w) (Reset 2007 edition), page 33, footnote 2:

  5. This dwelling on the past and relative hebetude towards the present – this emotional dulling of current feeling and memory – is nothing like Jimmie’s organic amnesia.
