

  1. yhteys|arkikieltä nimitys kaikenlaisesta kimaltelevasta hileestä yms.


Ralfilla on siniset, 'glitterillä' koristellut, kultasankaiset lukulasit.



kirkkaus, kimallus, välke, säkenöinti, säihke, leimahdus, näyttää, vaikuttaa, kiiltää, kiilua, säihkyä, kimaltaa, kimmeltää, hehkua, loistaa, säteillä, välkehtiä, kimallella, hohtaa.

Rimmaavat sanat

glitter rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bitter, babysitter...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

glitter (englanti > suomi)

  1. välke, kimallus, säihke, kimmellys

  2. koristehile, kimalle

  3. säihkyä, välkehtiä, kiiltää, kimmeltää, kimaltaa

  4. säihkyä

glitter englanniksi

  1. A bright, sparkle sparkling light; shininess or brilliance

  2. 1913, (w), Japanese flower arrangement Chapter 20

  3. This to them seems most like mother earth in color, and therefore best, as it is, to enhance the beauty of flowers instead of detracting from their exquisite shades. What a contrast to the glitter and show of our silver vases, which represent generally little else but their cost.
  4. 1841, (w), (w) Chapter 57

  5. As yet there had been no symptom of the news having any better foundation than in the fears of those who brought it, but The Boot had not been deserted five minutes, when there appeared, coming across the fields, a body of men who, it was easy to see, by the glitter of their arms and ornaments in the sun, and by their orderly and regular mode of advancing
  6. A shiny, decorative adornment, sometimes sprinkled on glue to make simple artwork.

  7. To sparkle with light; to shine with a brilliant and broken light or showy luster; to gleam.

  8. a glittering sword

    the glittering ornaments on a Christmas tree

  9. Dryden

  10. The field yet glitters with the pomp of war.
  11. To be showy, specious, or striking, and hence attractive.

  12. the glittering scenes of a court

  13. (l) (gloss)

  14. English glitter; a shiny, decorative adornment
