

  1. loma (armeijasta tai vankilasta)

  2. yhteys|amerikanenglantia|k=en lomautus


A crime committed while he was on an eight-hour 'furlough' from prison.



loma, virkavapaus, kotiloma, myöntää loma, päästää lomalle, antaa lupa, sallia, antaa, laskea, päästää, syrjäyttää, erottaa, irtisanoa, antaa potkut, sanoa irti, pakkolomauttaa, lomauttaa.

Englannin sanakirja

furlough (englanti > suomi)

  1. loma

  2. lomalupa

  3. lomautus

  4. myöntää loma">myöntää loma

furlough englanniksi

  1. A leave of absence or vacation.

  2. puhekieltä especially one granted to a member of the armed forces, or to a prisoner.

  3. 1957, (w), “(w),” in (w), Dial, 1965,https://books.google.ca/books?id=Gc1WAAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcoverv=onepage&q&f=false

  4. And I had a lot of things on my mind and I pretty well forgot my promise to Mama until I got shipped home on a special furlough for her funeral.
  5. puhekieltä especially one granted to a missionary.

  6. The documents authorizing such leave.

  7. puhekieltä A period of unpaid time off, used by an employer to reduce costs.

  8. (quote-journal)|url=http://www.sacbee.com/capitolandcalifornia/story/1378029.html|passage=The state estimates the one-day-a-month furlough spread over the 18 months of the plan would amount to a 5 percent cut in pay.

  9. puhekieltä To grant a furlough to (someone).
