

  1. virheellinen, väärä


the erroneous information has been corrected

Liittyvät sanat: wrong



väärä, erheellinen.

Rimmaavat sanat

erroneous rimmaa näiden kanssa:

lesbous, couscous, lahous, mahous, holhous, nuohous, verhous, lautaverhous, tiiliverhous, ulkoverhous...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

erroneous englanniksi

  1. contain Containing an error; inaccurate.

  2. His answer to the sum was erroneous.

  3. derived Derived from an error.

  4. His conclusion was erroneous as it was based on a false assumption.

  5. mistaken Mistaken.

  6. His choice at the line-up was erroneous as he had only seen the mugger for an instant.

  7. puhekieltä signifies a deviation from the requirements of the law, but does not connote a lack of legal authority, and is thus distinguished from illegal.

  8. If, while having the power to act, one commits error in the exercise of that power, he acts erroneously.
