

  1. nolostuminen, kiusaantuneisuus

  2. häpeä(-ksi)


Kevin, you are an embarrassment to this family.

Liittyvät sanat: embarrass



ylenmääräisyys, kohtuuttomuus, liiallisuus, ylettömyys, liika, ylenpalttisuus, yltäkylläisyys, hämmennys, yletön määrä, työttömyys, tarpeettomuus, häpeä, kiusaantuminen, nolous, nolostuminen, kiusaantuneisuus, vaivautuneisuus, epämukavuus, ujous, vaatimattomuus, hämillisyys.

Rimmaavat sanat

embarrassment rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

embarrassment (englanti > suomi)

  1. kiusaantuneisuus, nolostuminen, häpeä

  2. hämmennys

  3. häpeäpilkku, häpeäksi

embarrassment englanniksi

  1. A state of discomfort arising from bashfulness or consciousness of having violated a social rule; humiliation.

  2. A state of confusion arising from hesitation or difficulty in choosing.

  3. A person or thing which is the cause of humiliation to another.

  4. ''Kevin, you are an embarrassment to this family.

    ''Losing this highly publicized case was an embarrassment to the firm.

  5. (quote-journal)|date=21 August 2014|passage=The audacious hijacking in Paris of a van carrying the baggage of a Saudi prince to his private jet is obviously an embarrassment to the French capital, whose ultra-high-end boutiques have suffered a spate of heists in recent months.

  6. A large collection of good or valuable things, especially one that exceeds requirements.

  7. 1914, Colliers'', page 30

  8. There are over 5,000 Americans now in Paris, many artists, singers, musicians, writers, and actors, so many, indeed, the committee could hardly pick a program from an embarrassment of volunteers.
  9. 1996, David Morgan Evans, Peter Salway, David Thackray, The Remains of Distant Times: Archaeology and the National Trust, Boydell & Brewer (ISBN 9780851156712), page 188

  10. The landscape presented an embarrassment of riches for the industrial archaeologist, and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century remains were still visible in abundance
  11. 2013, Frank Boccia, The Crouching Beast: A United States Army Lieutenants Account of the Battle for Hamburger Hill, May 1969'', McFarland (ISBN 9781476613086), page 256

  12. At one time, I reflected, we&39;d had an embarrassment of good, qualified squad leader—ready men in the platoon.
  13. puhekieltä Impairment of function due to disease: respiratory embarrassment.

  14. puhekieltä A group of pandas; (non-gloss definition)
