

  1. drooni


dronejen lennättäminen

Liittyvät sanat: quadcopter, hexacopter



mehiläinen, kuhnuri, työläinen, kauko-ohjauksinen lentokone, kauko-ohjattu lennokki, radio-ohjattu lennokki, ilmaa raskaampi ilma-alus, intonaatio, modulaatio, sävelkorkeus, monotonia, turina, jaaritus, hidastelija, vitkastelija, kuhnailija, viivyttelijä, perässätulija, joutilas, vetelehtijä, maleksija, vetelys, pummi.

Rimmaavat sanat

drone rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

drone (englanti > suomi)

  1. kuhnuri

  2. lennokki

  3. hurista

  4. hymistä, hyristä, surista, hurista

  5. humina, surina

  6. bordunapilli

  7. työläinen

drone englanniksi

  1. A male bee or wasp, which does not work but can fertilize the queen bee.

  2. Dryden

  3. All with united force combine to drive / The lazy drones from the laborious hive.
  4. puhekieltä Someone who does not work; a lazy person, an idler.

  5. 1624, John Smith, Generall Historie, in Kupperman 1988, p. 117:

  6. he that gathereth not every day as much as I doe, the next day shall be set beyond the river, and be banished from the Fort as a drone, till he amend his conditions or starve.
  7. Burton

  8. By living as a drone, to be an unprofitable and unworthy member of so noble and learned a society.
  9. One who performs menial or tedious work; a drudge.

  10. A remotely controlled aircraft, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

  11. {{quote-magazine|title=An internet of airborne things|date=2012-12-01|volume=405|issue=8813|page=3 (Technology Quarterly)|magazine=w:The Economist|The Economist|url=http://www.economist.com/news/technology-quarterly/21567193-networking-enthusiasts-dream-building-drone-powered-internet-carry-objects

  12. {{quote-magazine|date=2013-06-07|author=http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/edpilkington Ed Pilkington

  13. Several images of the compound were obtained via a drone overflight.

  14. To produce a low-pitched hum or buzz.

  15. To speak in a monotone way.

  16. A low-pitched hum or buzz.

  17. 1908, w:Kenneth Grahame|Kenneth Grahame, w:The Wind in the Willows|The Wind in the Willows

  18. He chanted as he flew and the car responded with sonorous drone.
  19. puhekieltä One of the fixed-pitch pipes on a bagpipe.

  20. puhekieltä A genre of music that uses repeated lengthy droning sounds.

  21. A humming or deep murmuring sound.

  22. Longfellow

  23. The monotonous drone of the wheel.
  24. puhekieltä a male bee or wasp; a drone

  25. a remotely controlled aircraft; a drone

  26. English drone (unmanned aircraft)

  27. a (l) (male bee)

  28. a (l) (radio-controlled pilotless aircraft)

  29. English drone (male bee)

  30. (l) (gloss)
