

  1. domino


el efecto dominó dominoefekti



dominopeli, dominopalikka, hupullinen naamiaisviitta.

Rimmaavat sanat

domino rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aino, kaino, paino, kirjapaino, laakapaino, liikapaino, neulapaino, omapaino, sanapaino, tasapaino...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

domino (englanti > suomi)

  1. domino, dominopalikka, dominonappula

  2. domino

  3. naamiaisasu

  4. naamio

domino englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A tile divided into two squares, each having 0 to 6 dots or pips (as in dice), used in the game of dominoes.

  2. puhekieltä A country that is expected to react to events in a neighboring country, according to the domino effect

  3. A masquerade costume consisting of a hooded robe and a mask covering the upper part of the face.

  4. 1749, Henry Fielding, Tom Jones, Folio Society 1973, p. 485:

  5. all the women were desirous of having the bundle immediately opened; which operation was at length performed by little Betsy, with the consent of Mr Jones: and the contents were found to be a domino, a mask, and a masquerade ticket.
  6. 1983, (w), Sebastian, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 1007:

  7. Then he hunted for the black carnival domino, supposing that it was the appropriate thing for a penitent to wear.
  8. The mask itself.

  9. {{quote-book

  10. The person wearing the costume.

  11. puhekieltä A polyomino made up of two squares.

  12. puhekieltä To collapse in the manner of dominoes.

  13. puhekieltä To cause to collapse in the manner of dominoes.

  14. (ca-verb form of)

  15. dominoes

  16. (inflection of)

  17. (es-verb form of)

  18. dominoes; a type of game


domino (m)

Domino (f)


домино́, кость (f), костя́шка (f), ''colloq.'' домино́шка (f)