

  1. nuija; ryhmysauva

Liittyvät sanat: bludgeon



jalkapohjien ruoskinta, nuija, ryhmysauva, lyödä, nuijia, lyödä nuijalla.

Rimmaavat sanat

cudgel rimmaa näiden kanssa:

askel, harha-askel, taka-askel, laukka-askel, puoliaskel, tanssiaskel, vauhtiaskel, ristiaskel, sävelaskel, puolisävelaskel...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

cudgel (englanti > suomi)

  1. nuija, ryhmysauva

cudgel englanniksi

  1. A short heavy club with a rounded head used as a weapon.

  2. The guard hefted his cudgel menacingly and looked at the inmates. The threat to swing glinted in his eye.

  3. 1883, (w), (w) s:The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood/Chapter V|Chapter V

  4. Then they had bouts of wrestling and of cudgel play, so that every day they gained in skill and strength.
  5. Bunyan

  6. He getteth him a grievous crabtree cudgel and (..) falls to rating of them as if they were dogs.
  7. puhekieltä Anything that can be used as a threat to force one's will on another.

  8. (quote-journal)|date=15 April 2015

  9. To strike with a cudgel.

  10. The officer was violently cudgeled down in the midst of the rioters.

  11. Shakespeare

  12. I would cudgel him like a dog if he would say so.
  13. To exercise (one's wits or brains).
