

  1. lehto, metsikkö, pensaikko, vesakko



kasvillisuus, floora, kasvisto, pensaikko, risukko, vesametsä, vesakko, tiheikkö, pusikko, pöheikkö, ruoikko, ruokotiheikkö, metsikkö, aluskasvillisuus.

Rimmaavat sanat

coppice rimmaa näiden kanssa:

soft ice...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

coppice (englanti > suomi)

  1. vesakko, pensaikko

coppice englanniksi

  1. A grove of small growth; a thicket of brushwood; a wood cut at certain times for fuel or other purposes, typically managed to promote growth and ensure a reliable supply of timber. See copse.

  2. {{quote-book|year=1907|author=w:Harold Edward Bindloss|Harold Bindloss

  3. 1957, Schubert, H.R. History of the British Iron and Steel Industry, p216:

  4. It was also enacted that all coppices or underwoods should be enclosed for periods from four to seven years after felling.
  5. To manage a wooded area sustainably, as a coppice, by periodically cutting back woody plants to promote new growth.

  6. Her plan to coppice the woods should keep her self-sufficient in fuel indefinitely.
