

  1. maapuu

  2. pusikko, pensaikko, risukko



kasvillisuus, floora, kasvisto, pensaikko, risukko, vesametsä, vesakko, tiheikkö, pusikko, pöheikkö, ruoikko, ruokotiheikkö, metsikkö, aluskasvillisuus.

Rimmaavat sanat

brushwood rimmaa näiden kanssa:

junk food, fast food, non-food...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

brushwood (englanti > suomi)

  1. maapuu

  2. pusikko, pensaikko, risukko

brushwood englanniksi

  1. Branches and twigs fallen from trees and shrubs.

  2. (quote-text)

  3. 1991, (w), (w), Oxford University Press, Chapter 3, p. 14,

  4. Small streams with hollowed-out banks came into sight, and the tiniest mill-ponds with frail dams, and little villages with low peasant huts under dark roofs, often with half their thatch gone, and small threshing barns all tilted to one side with walls made out of woven brushwood and gaping openings beside dilabidated hay-barns (..)
  5. Small trees and shrubs.

  6. 1794, (w), Narrative of a Five Years Expedition'', London: J. Johnson, Volume 2, Chapter 16, p. 6,

  7. The river above Goet-Accord becomes very narrow, being lined on each side with impenetrable brush-wood, like the river Cottica, between Devil's-Harwar and Patamaca (..)
  8. (quote-text)|title=(w)|chapter=31|url=|passage=Without any solicitation, or desire for profit on his part, he had been asked to execute during that winter a very large order for hurdles and other copse-ware, for which purpose he had been obliged to buy several acres of brushwood standing.

  9. 1920, w:Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham|R. B. Cunninghame Graham, A Brazilian Mystic, Being the Life and Miracles of Antonio Conselheiro, London: Heinemann, Chapter 12, p. 169,

  10. Houses had been deserted, and the thick brushwood of the tropics had grown up over everything, obliterating the brief authority of man.
