

  1. kimpale, paakku



löntti, hyytymä, kasaantuma, kasauma, yhteenliittymä, pallukka, savikokkare, kimpale, paakku, möykky, möhkäle, klimppi, klöntti, lankakerä, kömpelys, tolvana, tomppeli, houkka, tollo, ääliö, pölkkypää, köntys, typerys, hömelö, hölmö, nuija, tohelo.

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junk food, fast food, non-food...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

clod (englanti > suomi)

  1. paakku

  2. nuija

clod englanniksi

  1. A lump of something, especially of earth or clay.

  2. Milton

  3. clods of iron and brass
  4. E. Fairfax

  5. clods of blood
  6. Francis Bacon

  7. The earth that casteth up from the plough a great clod, is not so good as that which casteth up a smaller clod.
  8. T. Burnet

  9. this cold clod of clay which we carry about with us
  10. 2010, w:Clare Vanderpool|Clare Vanderpool, w:Moon Over Manifest|Moon Over Manifest

  11. "What a bunch of hooey," I said under my breath, tossing a dirt clod over my shoulder against the locked-up garden shed.
  12. The ground; the earth; a spot of earth or turf.

  13. Jonathan Swift

  14. the clod where once their sultan's horse has trod
  15. A stupid person; a dolt.

  16. Don't touch that! You clods don't know what you're doing!


  17. Part of a shoulder of beef, or of the neck piece near the shoulder.

  18. puhekieltä To pelt with clods.

  19. puhekieltä To throw violently; to hurl.

  20. To collect into clods, or into a thick mass; to coagulate; to clot.

  21. clodded gore

  22. G. Fletcher

  23. Clodded in lumps of clay.
