

  1. väkivaltainen

Liittyvät sanat: non-violent



veren peittämä, verinen, verta vuotava, verenpunainen, väkivaltainen, vihamielinen, raju, voimakas, intensiivinen, äärimmäinen, hurja, vimmattu, kiihkeä, silmitön, raivoisa, räikeä, villi.

Rimmaavat sanat

violent rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

violent (englanti > suomi)

  1. raju

  2. väkivaltainen

  3. raju, intensiivinen

violent englanniksi

  1. Involving extreme force or motion.

  2. A violent wind ripped the branch from the tree.

  3. Involving physical conflict.

  4. We would rather negotiate, but we will use violent means if needed.

  5. Likely to use physical force.

  6. The escaped prisoners are considered extremely violent.

  7. Intensely vivid.

  8. The artist expressed his emotional theme through violent colors.

  9. (RQ:Fielding Tom Jone)

  10. We have already observed, that he was a very good-natured fellow, and he hath himself declared the violent attachment he had to the person and character of Jones (..)
  11. puhekieltä Produced or effected by force; not spontaneous; unnatural.

  12. Shakespeare

  13. These violent delights have violent ends.
  14. T. Burnet

  15. No violent state can be perpetual.
  16. Milton

  17. Ease would recant / Vows made in pain, as violent and void.
  18. puhekieltä To urge with violence.

  19. (rfquotek)

  20. puhekieltä An assailant.

  21. (l)

  22. (inflection of)

  23. (l) (gloss)
