

  1. salakieli, salakirjoitus, koodi

  2. suuresta luvusta yksittäinen kolmen numeron jakso (varsinkin, kun jaksot on eritelty pilkuin tai välilyönnein)


In 1,000,985,897,372 there are four 'ciphers'.

Liittyvät sanat: royal cypher



viesti, sanoma, salateksti, salakirjoitusviesti, kadunmies, tavallinen ihminen, nolla, mitättömyys, olematon tyyppi, nynny, pätkä, pirpana, nulkki, kloppi, vähäpätöinen ihminen, suhteellinen määrä, tyhjyys, ei yhtään, ei mitään, ei mikään, ei yhtään mitään, ei-mikään.

Rimmaavat sanat

cipher rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

cipher (englanti > suomi)

  1. numero

  2. salakirjoitus

  3. salakirjoitusjärjestelmä

  4. salakirjoitusviesti

cipher englanniksi

  1. A numeric character.

  2. Any text character.

  3. Sir Walter Raleigh

  4. This wisdom began to be written in ciphers and characters and letters bearing the forms of creatures.
  5. A combination or interweaving of letters, as the initials of a name; a device; a monogram.

  6. a painters cipher, an engraver's cipher, etc.''

  7. A method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning.

  8. The message was written in a simple cipher. Anyone could figure it out.

  9. Bishop Burnet

  10. His father (..) engaged him when he was very young to write all his letters to England in cipher.
  11. puhekieltä A cryptographic system using an algorithm that converts letter letters or sequences of bit bits into ciphertext.

  12. ciphertext Ciphertext; a message concealed via a cipher.

  13. The message is clearly a cipher, but I cant figure it out.''

  14. A grouping of three digits in a number, especially when delimited by commas or periods:

  15. The probability is 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000 — a number having five ciphers of zeros.

  16. A design of interlacing initials: a decorative design consisting of a set of interlaced initials.

  17. puhekieltä A fault in an organ valve which causes a pipe to sound continuously without the key having been pressed.

  18. A hip-hop jam session. Rap Dictionary. Retrieved 30 November 2005.

  19. The path (usually circular) shared cannabis takes through a group, an occasion of cannabis smoking.

  20. Someone or something of no importance.

  21. Washington Irving

  22. Here he was a mere cipher.
  23. puhekieltä zero Zero.

  24. puhekieltä To calculate.

  25. I never learned much more than how to read and cipher.

  26. 1843, (w), (w), book 2, ch. IX, Abbot Samson

  27. For the mischief that one blockhead, that every blockhead does, in a world so feracious, teeming with endless results as ours, no ciphering will sum up.
