

  1. burleski, parodia, ilveily



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Englannin sanakirja

burlesque englanniksi

  1. parodical Parodical; parodic

  2. Addison

  3. It is a dispute among the critics, whether burlesque poetry runs best in heroic verse, like that of the Dispensary, or in doggerel, like that of Hudibras.
  4. A derisive art form that mocks by imitation; a parody.

  5. Burlesque is therefore of two kinds; the first represents mean persons in the accoutrements of heroes, the other describes great persons acting and speaking like the basest among the people.
  6. Dryden

  7. The dull burlesque appeared with impudence, / And pleased by novelty in spite of sense.
  8. {{quote-book|year=1905|author=w:Emma Orczy|Baroness Emmuska Orczy

  9. A variety adult entertainment show, usually including titillation such as striptease, most common from the 1880s to the 1930s.

  10. A ludicrous imitation; a caricature; a travesty; a gross perversion.

  11. Burke

  12. Who is it that admires, and from the heart is attached to, national representative assemblies, but must turn with horror and disgust from such a profane burlesque and abominable perversion of that sacred institute?
  13. To make a Adjective burlesque parody of

  14. {{quote-journal|1988|February 5|Billie Lawless|Laying Down the Lawless|Chicago Reader|url=https://securesite.chireader.com/cgi-bin/Archive/abridged2.bat?path=1988/880205/LETTERS/LAWLESS

  15. To ridicule, or to make ludicrous by grotesque representation in action or in language.

  16. Stillingfleet

  17. They burlesqued the prophet Jeremiah's words, and turned the expression he used into ridicule.
  18. (l); parodic; parodical

  19. English burlesque; parody.
