

  1. yhteys|anatomia|k=en aivot +luokka|en|elin

  2. yhteys|kuva|k=en '''brains''' äly, pää, järki; aivot, suunnittelija

  3. yhteys|ruoanlaitto|k=en '''brains''' aivot


The 'brain' is protected by the skull.

Who is the 'brains' behind this?

If you dont have 'brains', it's good to have at least looks.

caramelised calf 'brains'

Liittyvät sanat: rack one's brains



älykkyys, äly, sukkeluus, oppimiskyky, aivokapasiteetti, terävyys, nokkeluus, murhata, nirhata, surmata, murskata, lyödä aivot pihalle, murskata kallo.

Rimmaavat sanat

brain rimmaa näiden kanssa:

vaarain, sierain, ahrain, tarrain, atrain, muurain, suomuurain...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

brain (englanti > suomi)

  1. aivot|p

  2. älykkö

  3. äly, älykkyys, järki, aivot|p

  4. iskeä päähän, kolkata (into unconsciousness)

  5. lyödä aivot pihalle, murskata kallo

brain englanniksi

  1. The control center of the central nervous system of an animal located in the skull which is responsible for perception, cognition, attention, memory, emotion, and action.

  2. {{quote-magazine|date=2013-07-19|author= Ian Sample

  3. puhekieltä An intelligent person.

  4. (ux)

  5. puhekieltä A person who provides the intelligence required for something.

  6. puhekieltä intellect Intellect.

  7. 2008 Quaker Action (magazine) Rights trampled in rush to deport immigrant workers, Fall 2008, Vol. 89, No. 3, p. 8:

  8. "We provided a lot of brains and a lot of heart to the response when it was needed," says Sandra Sanchez, director of AFSC's Immigrants' Voice Program in Des Moines.
  9. puhekieltä An intellectual or mental capacity.

  10. By analogy with a human brain, the part of a machine or computer that performs calculations.

  11. puhekieltä oral sex

  12. 2012, (w) featuring Turk and Mystikal, Im On It''

  13. You said I got brain from your dame in the range
    In the passing lane
    But you really ain't got no proof
  14. puhekieltä To dash out the brains of; to kill by smashing the skull.

  15. puhekieltä To strike (someone) on the head.

  16. puhekieltä To destroy; to put an end to.

  17. Shakespeare

  18. There thou mayst brain him.
    It was the swift celerity of the death (..) That brained my purpose.
  19. puhekieltä To conceive in the mind; to understand.

  20. 'Tis still a dream, or else such stuff as madmen / Tongue, and brain not.
  21. (inflection of)
