

  1. enne

Liittyvät sanat: forebode



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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

bode englanniksi

  1. To indicate by signs, as future events; to be the omen of; to portend; to presage; to foreshow.

  2. puhekieltä To foreshow something; to augur.

  3. Dryden

  4. Whatever now / The omen proved, it boded well to you.
  5. An omen; a foreshadowing.

  6. Chaucer

  7. The owl eke, that of death the bode bringeth.
  8. puhekieltä A bid; an offer.

  9. (rfquotek)

  10. A messenger; a herald.

  11. A stop; a halting; delay.

  12. (en-simple past of)

  13. Tennyson

  14. There that night they bode.
  15. body of a lorry

  16. (inflection of)

  17. messenger

  18. servant

  19. (nl-verb form of)

  20. (form of)

  21. to bathe, to lave

  22. (l), (l)

  23. goat buck
