

  1. päällä

  2. huipulla

  3. ylinnä

Liittyvät sanat: atopia.

Rimmaavat sanat

atop rimmaa näiden kanssa:

top, tiptop, stop, nonstop...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

atop (englanti > suomi)

  1. päällä; huipulla

  2. päällä on or at, päälle to

atop englanniksi

  1. On the top of.

  2. He sat atop the mountain, waiting for the end of the world.

  3. 1966, The Minnesota Review, vol. 6, page 242

  4. A virtue is made out of a necessity, with the child feeling far more atop and master of his oddness, his behavior now deliberate or even clever.
  5. 2006, Dewey Lambdin, The Gun Ketch, page 48

  6. "And other things," she echoed, nodding slowly and resting her body a little more atop him again.
  7. 2014, (w), Blessed. Cursed. Claimed., National Geographic (December 2014)

  8. “Monotheism was born here,” Goren tells me atop a cliff overlooking the sheet of iron-colored water.
  9. On the top, with "of".

  10. puhekieltä On, to, or at the top.

  11. 1909, William Dean Howells, Seven English Cities, Kessinger Publishing 2004, p. 46:

  12. He has a handsome face, still bearded in the midst of a mostly clean-shaving nation, and with the white hairs prevalent on the cheeks and temples; his head is bald atop, though hardly from the uneasiness of wearing a crown.
  13. 1978, James C. Humes, Speakers Treasury of Anecdotes About the Famous'', Harper & Row 1978, p. 102:

  14. The envoy found the French king playing the part of horse while his young son rode atop.
  15. the cover at the top of a building; a roof

  16. material used on the outside of a roof; a roofing

  17. the area (l) a roof; a rooftop

  18. to roof; to cover or furnish with a roof

  19. roof

  20. to roof
