

  1. tuska, kärsimys

  2. kuolinkamppailu


Being in an agony he prayed more earnestly.



kärsimys, kuolemantuska, suuri hätä, piina, tuska, kidutus, kipu, kouristus, Kristuksen kärsimys, Kristuksen kärsimyshistoria.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

agony (englanti > suomi)

  1. kamppailu, taistelu, taistelu

  2. tuska

  3. huuma

  4. kuolinkamppailu, agonia

agony englanniksi

  1. Violent contest or striving.

  2. The world is convulsed by the agonies of great nations. —w:Thomas Babington Macaulay|Thomas Babington Macaulay.

  3. Pain so extreme as to cause writhing or contortions of the body, similar to those made in the athletic contests in Greece; and hence, extreme pain of mind or body; anguish; paroxysm of grief; specifically, the sufferings of Christ in the garden of Gethsemane.

  4. Being in an agony he prayed more earnestly. —Luke xxii. 44.

  5. paroxysm Paroxysm of joy; keen emotion.

  6. With cries and agonies of wild delight. —w:Alexander Pope|Alexander Pope.

  7. The last struggle of life; death struggle.
