

  1. yhteys|kielitiede|k=en affiksi

Liittyvät sanat: prefix, suffix



sidonnainen morfeemi, affiksi, liite, etuliite, johdin, prefiksi, suffiksi, pääte, infiksi, sisäliite.

Englannin sanakirja

affix (englanti > suomi)

  1. affiksi

affix englanniksi

  1. That which is affixed; an appendage.

  2. puhekieltä A bound morpheme added to the word’s stem's end.

  3. puhekieltä A bound morpheme added to a word’s stem; the term comprises prefixes, suffixes, infixes, circumfixes, and suprafixes.

  4. puhekieltä The complex number a+bi associated with the point in the Gauss plane with coordinates (a,b).

  5. puhekieltä Any small feature, as a figure, a flower, or the like, added for ornament to a vessel or other utensil, to an architectural feature.

  6. To attach.

  7. Ray

  8. Should they caterpillars affix them to the leaves of a plant improper for their food(..)

    to affix a stigma to a person; to affix ridicule or blame to somebody

  9. To subjoin, annex, or add at the close or end; to append to.

  10. to affix a syllable to a word; to affix a seal to an instrument; to affix ones name to a writing''

  11. To fix or fasten figuratively; with on or upon.

  12. eyes affixed upon the ground


  13. English Affix (gloss)

  14. an English affix
