

  1. absurdi, mieletön, järjetön, järjenvastainen

Liittyvät sanat: absurdity



epäjohdonmukainen, epälooginen, järjetön, mahdoton, typerä, älytön, absurdi, pilkallinen, idioottimainen, naurettava, mieletön, posketon, tilanne, asiainlaita, asiaintila, järjettömyys, mielettömyys, absurdius.

Liittyvät sanat: absurdi, absurdisti, absurdius.

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absurd rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Englannin sanakirja

absurd (englanti > suomi)

  1. absurdi, järjetön

absurd englanniksi

  1. Contrary to reason or propriety; obviously and flatly opposed to manifest truth; inconsistent with the plain dictates of common sense; logically contradictory; nonsensical; ridiculous; silly. (defdate)(R:SOED5)

  2. 1591, (w), (w), V-iv

  3. This proffer is absurd and reasonless.
  4. ca. 1710, (w)

  5. This phrase absurd to call a villain great
  6. (quote-book)|chapter=17

  7. puhekieltä inharmonious Inharmonious; dissonant. (defdate)

  8. Having no rational or orderly relationship to people's lives; meaningless; lacking order or value.

  9. (rfdat) Adults have condemned them to live in what must seem like an absurd universe. - Joseph Featherstone

  10. Dealing with absurdism.

  11. puhekieltä An absurdity. (defdate)

  12. puhekieltä The opposition between the human search for meaning in life and the inability to find any; the state or condition in which man exists in an irrational universe and his life has no meaning outside of his existence. (defdate)The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy">http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kierkegaard/ "Søren Kierkegaard" in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

  13. (l)

  14. absurdity

  15. absurdly

  16. nonsense

  17. Jego propozycje to jeden wielki absurd.

    His suggestions are one big load of nonsense.
