

  1. soveliaisuus



oikea, sovelias, kelpo, kunnollinen, sopimaton, säädytön, käyttäytyminen, käytös, toiminta, menettelytapa, käytöstapa, sopivaisuus, säädyllisyys.

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propriety rimmaa näiden kanssa:

vety, rikkivety, hiilivety, syaanivety, kloorivety, raskasvety...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

propriety englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The particular character or essence of someone or something; individuality. (defdate)

  2. puhekieltä A characteristic; an attribute. (defdate)

  3. puhekieltä A piece of land owned by someone; someone's property. (defdate)

  4. puhekieltä More generally, something owned by someone; a possession. (defdate)

  5. 1723, Charles Walker, Memoirs of the Life of Sally Salisbury:

  6. I was fearful of giving You a very sensible Disgust, in making You seem the Propriety of one Man, when You know Yourself ordained for the Comfort and Refreshment of Multitudes.
  7. The fact of possessing something; ownership. (defdate)

  8. puhekieltä Correct language or pronunciation. (defdate)

  9. suitability Suitability, fitness; the quality of being appropriate. (defdate)

  10. 1773, w:Oliver Goldsmith|Oliver Goldsmith, s:She Stoops to Conquer|She Stoops to Conquer

  11. I find such a pleasure, sir, in obeying your commands, that I take care to observe them without ever debating their propriety.
  12. 1850, w:Edward_Ralph_May Edward Ralph May, s:Speech_on_African_American_Suffrage "Speech on African American Suffrage"

  13. Now, if we may, with propriety, refer to the people one question, why may we not, with equal propriety, refer another?
  14. correctness Correctness in behaviour and morals; good manners, seemliness. (defdate)

  15. 1811, (w), w:Sense_and_Sensibility Sense and Sensibility, s:Sense_and_Sensibility/Chapter_12 Chapter 12:

  16. Elinor then ventured to doubt the propriety of her receiving such a present from a man so little, or at least so lately known to her.
  17. 1859, Charles Dickens, The Haunted House

  18. Miss Griffin was a model of propriety, and I am at a loss to imagine what the feelings of the virtuous woman would have been, if she had known, when she paraded us down the Hampstead Road two and two, that she was walking with a stately step at the head of Polygamy and Mahomedanism.
  19. {{quote-journal
