
Liittyvät sanat: A-oikeudet, A-pylväs.


  1. a: a-olut : Tuos tänne pari aata ja punanen mallu!

  2. atomi: a-olut


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Englannin sanakirja

a- englanniksi

  1. (non-gloss definition)

  2. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)

  3. arise, await

    abide, amaze

  4. puhekieltä in, on, at; used to show a state, condition, or manner. (defdate)Brown, Lesley (2003)

  5. apace, afire, aboil, a-bling

  6. puhekieltä In, into. (defdate)

  7. asunder

  8. In the direction of, or toward. (defdate)

  9. astern, abeam

  10. puhekieltä At such a time. (defdate)

  11. Come a-morning we are going hunting.

  12. puhekieltä In the act or process of. (defdate)

  13. Come morning, we are going a-hunting.

    Theys asinging a song. He's aheaded to the store.''

  14. 1777, (w), w:A-Hunting We Will Go|A-Hunting We Will Go

  15. 1780, w:The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)|The Twelve Days of Christmas:

  16. The twelfth day of Christmas,
    My true love sent to me
    Twelve lords a-leaping,
    Eight maids a-milking,
    Seven swans a-swimming,
    Six geese a-laying,
  17. circa 1850, (w)/Here We Come A-caroling

  18. Here we come a-wassailing
    Among the leaves so green;
    Here we come a-wand’ring
    So fair to be seen.
  19. 1939, (w), Additional Poems, XIII, lines 6-7:

  20. Oh waste no words a-wooing
    The soft sleep to your bed;
  21. circa 1970, bumper sticker:See “http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DontComeAKnockin Don’t Come A-Knockin’”, TV Tropes for more examples and discussion.

  22. If the van’s a-rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’.
  23. (obsolete form of) (defdate)

  24. ''aware, alike

  25. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)(defdate)

  26. abash

  27. (senseid) not Not, without, opposite of.

  28. ''amoral, asymmetry, atheism, asexual, acyclic

  29. 1948 (revised 1952), (w), The White Goddess, Faber & Faber 1999, page 7:

  30. When invited to believe in the Chimaera, the horse-centaurs, or the winged horse Pegasus, all of them straightforward Pelasgian cult-symbols, a philosopher felt bound to reject them as a-zoölogical improbabilities ....
  31. 2012, Faramerz Dabhoiwala, The Origins of Sex, Penguin 2013, page 191:

  32. If aroused outside the proper outlet of marriage, female lust could range out of control, turning its possessor into an a-feminine monster: that is what happened to fallen women.
  33. puhekieltä Towards; Used to indicate direction, reduction to, increase to, change into, or motion. (defdate)

  34. ascend, aspire, amass, abandon, avenue

  35. puhekieltä Away from. (defdate)

  36. avert, aperient, abridge, assoil

  37. puhekieltä Of, from. (defdate)

  38. anew, afresh

  39. a-English a-, un- (not)

  40. A- (atomic, nuclear)

  41. (l): not Not, without, opposite of.

  42. puhekieltä non-, un-

  43. (l), non-, -less.

  44. (l) (indication direction)

  45. (l) (indicating lack or loss)

  46. (alternative form of)

  47. puhekieltä (alternative form of)

  48. (m), (m), (m), (m), (m), (m)

  49. not Not, not have having, without, opposite of.

  50. (m) < (m) + (m)

  51. someone's, people's

  52. forming words with the sense from, away, off, out, e.g. animan āniman

  53. him (qualifier)

  54. it (qualifier)

  55. forming words with the sense from, away, out, off, e.g. animan āniman

  56. forming words with the sense of negation, e.g. aspołeczny aspołeczny (a- + społeczny społeczny)

  57. (non-gloss definition) X, forms verbs meaning to make/turn X

  58. a- + (m) + (m)(m)

  59. (non-gloss definition) X, forms verbs meaning to cause or make X or to cause something to have X

  60. (l) (gloss)

  61. (m) + (m)(m)

    (m) + brahija(m)

  62. (l), non-, -less

  63. they (gloss)

  64. of (gloss)

  65. not
