

  1. perpron|k=en taivm-teksti|objektimuoto sanasta 'l|en|he'; hänet, häntä (miehestä)

  2. perpron|k=en taivm-teksti|epäsuora objektimuoto sanasta 'l|en|he'; hänelle (miehestä)

  3. perpron|k=en taivm-teksti|preposition kanssa käytettävä objektimuoto sanasta 'l|en|he'; hänen ... -nsa/-nsä/-an/-än/-en, häntä (miehestä)


They saw 'him'.

:He näkivät 'hänet'.

They gave 'him' a gift.

:He antoivat 'hänelle' lahjan.

They sang with 'him'.

:He lauloivat 'hänen' kanssa'an'.

They sang before 'him'.

:He lauloivat ennen 'häntä'.

Liittyvät sanat: hima, himmeli, himmennin, himmennys, himmentyä, himmentää.


  1. hima: koti

  2. himaan / (kotiin): omaksi hyväksi (pisteet yms urheilussa) : Kaikki irtopinnat on saatava nyt himaan.

  3. himaan, menee: ymmärtää / tajuta / käsittää : Lähe vetää täältä! Meniks himaan?

  4. himassa, onko kaikki?: ollako täysjärkinen? : Onks tol Makella kaikki himassa?

  5. himaväki: perhe kotona

  6. himbe: koti : Sori, mut mun täytyy lähtee ny himbee.

  7. himis: koti

  8. himmee: "pimee" pullo

  9. himmee: tummaihoinen

  10. himmee: uskomaton / vaikeatajuinen / omituinen : Vähä himmee tsaanssi sul oli - ja mokasit!

  11. himmeen: tosi (yleinen vahvistussana) / erittäin

  12. himo: erittäin / hauska

  13. himo mätöt: hyvää ruokaa

  14. himopinko: erittäin yritteliäs (erit koulussa) : Ritu oli jo lukios sellane himopinko.

  15. himottaa: suuri tarve sukupuoliaktiin

  16. himppa: koti

  17. himppe: koti

  18. himpsu: koti

  19. himpsut: tavarat : Kerääs himpsus ja lähe nosteleen!

  20. himpun: hiukan

  21. himsu: koti

  22. himtso: koti

  23. himtsu: koti

  24. kuolaa: himoita / sylki valuu suupielistä : Kale kuolas Sarin perään.


Rimmaavat sanat

him rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

him (englanti > suomi)

  1. häntä, hänelle, häneen, hänestä, häneksi choice of case depends on context

  2. hänet, häntä choice of case depends on context

him englanniksi

  1. (non-gloss definition)

  2. With dative effect or as an indirect object. (defdate)

  3. '1897 (578 m), (w), Dracula'':

  4. ‘I promise,’ he said as I gave him the papers.
  5. Following a preposition. (defdate)

  6. '1813 (553 m), (w), Pride and Prejudice'':

  7. She was in no humour for conversation with anyone but himself; and to him she had hardly courage to speak.
  8. With accusative effect or as a direct object. (defdate)

  9. '1853 (565 m), (w), Bleak House'':

  10. ‘He's got it buttoned in his breast. I saw him put it there.’
  11. puhekieltä Used reflexively: (to) himself. (defdate)

  12. '1526 (465 m), (w), trans. Bible'', Acts XII:

  13. Apon a daye apoynted, the kynge arayed hym in royall apparell, and set hym in his seate, and made an oracion unto them.
  14. '1765 (538 m), s:Author:Oliver Goldsmith|Oliver Goldsmith, s:The Traveller, or, A Prospect of Society|The traveller, or, A prospect of society''

  15. Though poor the peasant’s hut, his feasts though small,
    He sees his little lot the lot of all;
    But calm, and bred in ignorance and toil,
    Each wish contracting, fits him to the soil.
  16. With nominative effect: he, especially as a predicate after (m), or following a preposition. (defdate)

  17. 'c. 1616 (493 m), (w), Macbeth'', First Folio 1623, V.10:

  18. Before my body, I throw my warlike Shield: Lay on Macduffe, And damn'd be him, that first cries hold, enough.
  19. '2003 (611 m), Claire Cozens, The Guardian'', 11 Jun 2003:

  20. Lowe quit the West Wing last year amid rumours that he was unhappy that his co-stars earned more than him.
  21. (alternative spelling of)

  22. puhekieltä A male person.

  23. I think this bird is a him, but it may be a her.

  24. (w)

  25. (..) daring dizzying passages in other, fleeting and passionate dwellings within the hims and hers whom she inhabits (..)
  26. 2004, (w), https://books.google.com/books?id=jCQZwLPJpJoC&pg=PT487&dq=%22hims%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSvJaNtuzPAhUK-mMKHcdfAKo4MhDoAQggMAEv=onepage&q=%22hims%22&f=false I Am Charlotte Simmons: A Novel

  27. Both hims took a good look at him.
  28. 2004, Charles J. Sullivan, Love and Survival (page 68)

  29. By this time, she had so many questions, but she only hit him up for one answer about those “hims” and “hers.” She asked, “Do both hims and hers reproduce hummers?”
  30. water

  31. (h-prothesis of)

  32. third-person masculine singular, dative: himEnglish him, to him

  33. Ech baken him e Kuch

    I'm baking him a cake

  34. third-person feminine singular, dative: her, to her

  35. Hie war mat him gëschter

    He was with her yesterday

  36. third-person neuter singular, dative: it, to it

  37. safe

  38. unscathed

  39. dative singular of heOld English|hē or hitOld English|hit: (to) English him, it

  40. dative plural of heOld English|hē, hitOld English|hit or heo hēo: (to) them

  41. English him

  42. himself

  43. itself
