

  1. aids



Sida, suku Sida.

Rimmaavat sanat

sida rimmaa näiden kanssa:

naida, skeida, inhiboida, transkriboida, absorboida, adsorboida, masturboida, torpedoida, invalidoida, oksidoida...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

sida englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Any of the flowering plants of the genus Sida in the mallow family.

  2. AIDS

  3. fish

  4. (inflection of)

  5. to sit

  6. silk

  7. (like) this

  8. (form of) (AIDS)

  9. side; a bounding straight edge or surface

  10. ''En kub har sex sidor

    A cube has six sides

  11. side; a region in a specified position with respect to something.

  12. side; one group of competitors in a game or a war.

  13. page; one surface of a sheet of paper.

  14. site; a website or internet site

  15. puhekieltä to seed (a player into a competition), more commonly seeda

  16. Hon har sidats in i första startledet och tilldelats startnummer 21.

    She was seeded into the first line, starting as number 21.

  17. puhekieltä to side (with), to be allied with

  18. Det var inte så att britterna sidade med araberna

    It wasn't so that the Brits sided with the Arabs
