

  1. ilmalaiva, jossa ei ole jäykkää runkoa

  2. yhteys|slangia|k=en läski, paksukainen

  3. stereotyyppinen brittiläinen mies – tärkeilevä ja hyvin konservatiivinen



Colonel Blimp, Blimp.

Englannin sanakirja

blimp (englanti > suomi)

  1. ilmalaiva

blimp englanniksi

  1. An airship constructed with a non-rigid lifting agent container.

  2. 2004, w:The New Yorker|The New Yorker, 16 & 23 Feb 2004

  3. The Goodyear blimp over Giants Stadium
  4. puhekieltä An obese person.

  5. A person similar to the cartoon character Colonel Blimp; a pompous, reactionary British man.

  6. puhekieltä To expand like a blimp or balloon; to become fat.

  7. After college, she started blimping and could no longer wear her favorite little black dress.

    Over a few years the software had blimped into typical bloatware.
