

  1. ympyröidyn aan muotoinen merkki, jota käytetään ensi sijassa sähköpostiosoitteissa, logogrammi at

Englannin sanakirja

@ englanniksi

  1. At the rate of; per.

  2. 7 @ $2 = $14 (that is, seven, at two dollars each, are fourteen dollars).

  3. puhekieltä The symbol used as a separator between a username and a domain name in an e-mail address ("at" the domain name).

  4. My e-mail address is psychonaut@example.com.

  5. puhekieltä The most common choice of configurable prefix symbol to identify a channel operator.

  6. puhekieltä Prepended to the name of the user to whom a remark is addressed.

  7. Bob: How can I stop other people from accessing my files when they use my computer?
    Jack: @Bob: You need to protect the files with a password.

  8. at a rate of (so much each)

  9. 15 items @ $10

    @ 80 km/h (at eighty kilometres per hour)

  10. puhekieltä at (any sense)

  11. @ 20°C (at twenty degrees Celsius)

    Text message: "im @ school."

  12. puhekieltä The symbol used as a separator between a username and a domain name in an e-mail address.

  13. at a rate of

  14. 500@¥5

    500 items at a rate of 5 yen

  15. puhekieltä remaining (stands for あと (ato), mostly used in MMORPG)

  16. @5個


    @5 ko

    5 items remaining



    @1 jikan de neru

    I'll go to bed in a hour

  17. puhekieltä (abbreviation of)

  18. The symbol for the arroba unit of weight.

  19. (l)

  20. The symbol for the arroba unit of weight and volume.

  21. The symbol for o and a to include both masculine and feminine forms.

  22. l@s alumn@s = los alumnos y las alumnas (the male and female students)

  23. (m)
