

  1. (tietotekniikka) kertomerkki, kertaa

  2. (säännölliset lausekkeet) merkitsee edeltävän elementin peräkkäisiä esiintymiä nollan tai useamman kappaleen verran

  3. (tietotekniikka) mikä tahansa merkkijono

  4. pakollinen kenttä lomakkeessa

  5. sensuroidun merkin tilalle laitettava merkki

  6. (kielitiede) epäkieliopillisen ilmauksen merkki

  7. (kielitiede) oletetun, muttei havaitun, historiallisen ilmauksen merkki



Adjektiivit kongruoivat pääsanansa kanssa sijassa ja luvussa, esim. uudessa talossa, ei: *uudessa talolla'

kantaslaavin sana *kъňiga'

Englannin sanakirja

* englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)

  2. puhekieltä A star.

  3. puhekieltä complex conjugate|Complex or transpose conjugate; conjugate.

  4. puhekieltä dual space|Dual space.

  5. puhekieltä free monoid|Free monoid or Kleene star.

  6. In the language defined by AB*A, each string starts with an A, ends with a distinct A, and between them has zero or more Bs.

  7. puhekieltä Detects zero or more occurences of the preceding element.

  8. The string ab*c matches "ac", "abc", "abbc", "abbbc", and so on.

  9. (non-gloss definition)

  10. (when used before a term) (non-gloss definition)

  11. It is posited that Proto-Indo-European *sneygʷʰos is the etymon of both Latin (m) and English (m).

  12. (when used after a term) (non-gloss definition)

  13. PIE *ḱonk- yielded Vedic śaṅk-ate "worries, hesitates", as well as pre-Germanic *kank-, whence also Gothic hāhan"to hang".

    His theory of the Proto-Slavic *kъniga being ultimately derived from Chinese, via the middle form *kūinig, reflecting ancient routes of cultural influx from the East, has not gained a firm ground in the Slavicist circles in the last century.

  14. (when used before a symbol representing a phoneme) (non-gloss definition)

  15. Proto-Germanic had three unvoiced fricatives: */f/, */þ/, and */h/.

  16. (when used before a symbol representing a sound value) (non-gloss definition)

  17. Proto-Germanic had three unvoiced fricatives, possibly representing *ɸ, *θ, and *x.

    English prepositions come before the associated noun: we say She lives in Rome, not *She lives Rome in.

    w:Proto-Indo-European root|Roots like **bep- were not allowed in Proto-Indo-European.

  18. (n-g)

  19. (quote-book)

  20. I'm our of time. / out*

    wikipedia:Fuck You (CeeLo Green song)|F**k You!

  21. Used in *.

  22. puhekieltä star

  23. ur a *! — You're a star!

  24. puhekieltä Replacing the sounding /-ɑː(r)/ (star) on any word that has this pronunciation or similar.

  25. e.g. *t (start), *fish (starfish), *g8 (stargate)
