

  1. alleviivata

  2. kuva painottaa

Liittyvät sanat: underscore



veto, alleviivaus, jättää jälki, alleviivata, painottaa, korostaa, tähdentää.

Rimmaavat sanat

underline rimmaa näiden kanssa:

deadline, teline, kirjateline, taakkateline, kukkateline, tavarateline, karttateline, suksiteline, nuottiteline, vetoteline...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

underline (englanti > suomi)

  1. alleviivaus

  2. alaviiva

  3. alleviivata

underline englanniksi

  1. A line placed underneath a piece of text in order to provide emphasis or (in electronic documents) to indicate that it should be viewed in italics or that it acts as a hyperlink.

  2. The character (unsupported).

  3. To draw a line underneath something, especially to add emphasis; to underscore

  4. puhekieltä To emphasise or stress something

  5. {{quote-journal

  6. puhekieltä To influence secretly.

  7. Sir Henry Wotton

  8. By mere chance in appearance, though underlined with a providence, they had a full light of the infanta.
  9. Passing under a railway line.

  10. 1950, Leonora Fry, C. W. Huxtable, Get to know: British railways (page 26)

  11. Just as it was sometimes necessary to lower the road to take it beneath an underline bridge, so in this case it might be necessary to raise it.
  12. (l) (gloss)
