


ulotteisuus, kolmiulotteisuus, kuutiomaisuus.

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three-dimensionality rimmaa näiden kanssa:


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Englannin sanakirja

three-dimensionality (englanti > suomi)

  1. kolmiulotteisuus

three-dimensionality englanniksi

  1. The state or characteristic of occupying, or of appearing to occupy, three dimensions of space.

  2. 2000 Oct. 15, Fred B. Adelson, " Art Review: Perkins Shows Its Reach Is Regional In Exhibition," New York Times (retrieved 20 Nov 2015):

  3. There are several fascinating mixed-media pieces that give subtle three-dimensionality to predominately flat surfaces.
  4. puhekieltä complexity Complexity and depth of character.

  5. 2005 April 1, (w), " 'In My Country': Unjustifiable," Washington Post (retrieved 20 Nov 2015):

  6. Gleeson, a brilliant performer, shows us the face of evil but with the mitigating circumstances of humanity. But his three-dimensionality is jarring; at odds with the wooden movie around him.
  7. 2009 May 28, Stephen Adams, " Philip Pullman helps understanding of theology, says Archbishop of Canterbury," Telegraph (UK) (retrieved 20 Nov 2015):

  8. Dr. Williams . . . commended his "search for some way of talking about human value, human depth and three-dimensionality, that doesn't depend on God."
  9. 2010, (w), " Tisha Sterling," New York Times (retrieved 20 Nov 2015):

  10. In 1968, she costarred with Clint Eastwood in the feature film Coogan's Bluff, bringing three-dimensionality to the otherwise cliched role of a hippie.
