

  1. hakata armotta, piestä (piiskalla, kepillä)

  2. yhteys|myös urheilu|k=en voittaa täydellisesti, kukistaa, murskata

  3. riuhtoa, sätkiä, pyristellä

  4. yhteys|maatalous|historia|arkikieli|k=en varstata, puida

  5. yhteys|ohjelmointi|k=en koeajaa ohjelmistoa

  6. yhteys|tietotekniikka|k=en haitata virtuaalimuistin toimintaa tai sivutusta

Liittyvät sanat: thrash metal



kukistaa, nujertaa, voittaa, murskata, päihittää, hakata, piestä, mukiloida, voittaa ylivoimaisesti, lyödä, tyrmätä, saada murskavoitto, voittaa kilpailussa, pieksää, rökittää, piiskata, rohmuta resursseja, ruuhkautua, sivuttaa.

Rimmaavat sanat

thrash rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

thrash (englanti > suomi)

  1. pieksää

  2. rökittää

thrash englanniksi

  1. To beat mercilessly.

  2. To defeat utterly.

  3. {{quote-journal

  4. To thresh.

  5. To move about wildly or violently; to flail; to labour.

  6. (circa) w:Juvenal Juvenal, w:John Dryden|John Dryden (translator), w:Satires (Juvenal)|The Tenth Satire of Juvenal, 1987, John Dryden: The Major Works, Oxford University Press, page 364,

  7. I rather would be Maevius, thrash for rhymes, / Like his, the scorn and scandal of the times.
  8. puhekieltä To extensively test a software system, giving a program various inputs and observing the behavior and outputs that result.

  9. puhekieltä In computer architecture, to cause poor performance of a virtual memory (or paging) system.

  10. A beat or blow; the sound of beating.

  11. 1918, w:Henry Adams|Henry Adams, s:The Education of Henry Adams/Chapter 12|The Education of Henry Adams,

  12. Even among friends at the dinner-table he talked as though he were denouncing them, or someone else, on a platform; he measured his phrases, built his sentences, cumulated his effects, and pounded his opponents, real or imagined. His humor was glow, like iron at dull heat; his blow was elementary, like the thrash of a whale.
  13. 1934 May, w:Robert E. Howard|Robert E. Howard, s:Queen of the Black Coast/Chapter IV|Queen of the Black Coast in w:Weird Tales (anthology series)|Weird Tales,

  14. As he reeled on wide-braced legs, sobbing for breath, the jungle and the moon swimming bloodily to his sight, the thrash of bat-wings was loud in his ears.
  15. puhekieltä A particularly aggressive and intense form of heavy metal music with a focus on speed, technical precision, and alternate picking.
