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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

shoal englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä shallow Shallow.

  2. shoal water

  3. 1819, Lord Byron, Don Juan, III.19:

  4. But that part of the coast being shoal and bare, / And rough with reefs which ran out many a mile, / His port lay on the other side o' the isle.
  5. A sandbank or sandbar creating a shallow.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. Dryden

  8. The god himself with ready trident stands, / And opes the deep, and spreads the moving sands, / Then heaves them off the shoals.
  9. A shallow in a body of water.

  10. Mortimer

  11. The depth of your pond should be six feet; and on the sides some shoals for the fish to lay their spawn.
  12. Shakespeare

  13. Wolsey, that once trod the ways of glory, / And sounded all the depths and shoals of honour.
  14. To arrive at a shallow (or less deep) area.

  15. To cause a shallowing; to come to a more shallow part of.

  16. A ship shoals her water by advancing into that which is less deep. — Marryat.

  17. To become shallow.

  18. The colour of the water shows where it shoals.

  19. Any large number of persons or things.

  20. Francis Bacon

  21. great shoals of people
  22. puhekieltä A large number of fish (or other sea creatures) of the same species swimming together.

  23. Waller

  24. Beneath, a shoal of silver fishes glides.
  25. To collect in a shoal; to throng.

  26. The fish shoaled about the place.
