

  1. matala

  2. laakea

  3. (ihmisestä) pinnallinen


The water is shallow here.

a shallow dish

It makes me feel shallow to admit it.



pinnallinen, pinta-, kevyt, uneton, pintapuolinen, syvyys.

Rimmaavat sanat

shallow rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

shallow (englanti > suomi)

  1. matala, laakea

  2. matala

  3. pinnallinen

shallow englanniksi

  1. Having little depth; significantly less deep than wide.

  2. This crater is relatively shallow.

    Saute the onions in a shallow pan.

  3. Extending not far downward.

  4. The water is shallow here.

  5. Concerned mainly with superficial matters.

  6. It was a glamorous but shallow lifestyle.

  7. Lacking interest or substance.

  8. The acting is good, but the characters are shallow.

  9. Not intellectually deep; not penetrating deeply; simple; not wise or knowing.

  10. shallow learning

  11. Francis Bacon

  12. The king was neither so shallow, nor so ill advertised, as not to perceive the intention of the French king.
  13. puhekieltä Not deep in tone.

  14. the sound perfecter and not so shallow and jarring
  15. puhekieltä Not far forward, close to the net

  16. {{quote-journal

  17. A shallow portion of an otherwise deep body of water.

  18. The ship ran aground in an unexpected shallow.

    A swift stream is not heard in the channel, but upon shallows of gravel.
  19. Dryden

  20. dashed on the shallows of the moving sand
  21. A fish, the rudd.

  22. To make or become less deep

  23. {{quote-journal|date=February 6, 2009|author=Andrew Z. Krug et al.|title=Signature of the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction in the Modern Biota|work=Science|url=|doi=10.1126/science.1164905|volume=323|issue=5915|pages=767-771
