

  1. tunteileva



tunteellinen, tunnepitoinen, banaali, imelä, siirappinen, äitelä, nyyhky-, kyynelehtivä, mauton, haaveileva, sentimentaalinen, tunteileva, ällöttävä.

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Englannin sanakirja

maudlin englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The Magdalene; (w). (defdate)

  2. c. 1400, (w) (trans.), The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ:

  3. for alle they worſchipden hir ſouereynly / as worthy was / but ſpecially Mawdelayne / that wolde neuere departe fro hir.
  4. puhekieltä Either of two aromatic plants, costmary or sweet yarrow. (defdate)

  5. 1653, (w), The English Physician Enlarged, Folio Society 2007, p. 186:

  6. Common Maudlin have somewhat long and narrow leaves, snipped about the edges.
  7. puhekieltä A Magdalene house; a brothel. (defdate)

  8. affectionate Affectionate or sentimental in an effusive, tearful, or foolish manner, especially because of drunkenness. (defdate)

  9. {{quote-book

  10. around 1900, O. Henry, s:The Rubaiyat of a Scotch Highball|The Rubaiyat of a Scotch Highball

  11. He was a drunkard, and had not known it. What he had fondly imagined was a pleasant exhilaration had been maudlin intoxication.
  12. extravagantly Extravagantly or excessively sentimental; mawkish, self-pitying. (defdate)

  13. 1961, w:C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis, w:A Grief Observed|A Grief Observed

  14. ''On the rebound one passes into tears and pathos. Maudlin tears. I almost prefer the moments of agony. These are at least clean and honest. But the bath of self-pity, the wallow, the loathsome sticky-sweet pleasure of indulging it — that disgusts me.
  15. puhekieltä tearful Tearful, lachrymose. (defdate)
