

  1. suihku, suihkuava aine; kaasuliekki

  2. suutin, suukappale

  3. jetti, suihkukone

  4. gagaatti (korukivi)



K, super acid, special K, honey oil, green, cat valium, super C.

Liittyvät sanat: jet lag, jet set, jetsetti, jetsulleen, jetti.


  1. jetsoni: poliisi

Rimmaavat sanat

jet rimmaa näiden kanssa:

debet, tiibet, routavuodet, vaihdevuodet, sortovuodet, menekkivaikeudet, alkuvaikeudet, A-oikeudet, B-oikeudet, kruununkalleudet...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

jet (englanti > suomi)

  1. suihku

  2. suutin

  3. suihkumoottori

  4. gagaatti

jet englanniksi

  1. A collimated stream, spurt or flow of liquid or gas from a pressurized container, an engine, etc.

  2. A spout or nozzle for creating a jet of fluid.

  3. A type of airplane using jet engines rather than propellers.

  4. An engine that propels a vehicle using a stream of fluid as propulsion.

  5. A turbine.

  6. A rocket engine.

  7. A part of a carburetor that controls the amount of fuel mixed with the air.

  8. puhekieltä A narrow cone of hadrons and other particles produced by the hadronization of a quark or gluon.

  9. puhekieltä Drift; scope; range, as of an argument.

  10. puhekieltä The sprue of a type, which is broken from it when the type is cold.

  11. (rfquotek)

  12. puhekieltä To spray out of a container.

  13. puhekieltä To travel on a jet aircraft or otherwise by jet propulsion

  14. puhekieltä To move (running, walking etc.) rapidly around

  15. To shoot forward or out; to project; to jut out.

  16. To strut; to walk with a lofty or haughty gait; to be insolent; to obtrude.

  17. Shakespeare

  18. He jets under his advanced plumes.
    to jet upon a prince's right
  19. To jerk; to jolt; to be shaken.

  20. Propelled by turbine engines.

  21. jet airplane

  22. A hard, black form of coal, sometimes used in jewellery.

  23. The colour of jet coal, deep grey.

  24. (color panel)

  25. Very dark black in colour.

  26. 1939, (w), The Big Sleep, Penguin 2011, p. 23:

  27. She was an ash blonde with greenish eyes, beaded lashes, hair waved smoothly back from ears in which large jet buttons glittered.
  28. to ride

  29. to go (by vehicle)

  30. throw

  31. spurt, spout

  32. bed

  33. (jbo-rafsi of)
