

  1. ruumiillistuma

  2. inkarnaatio, lihaksi tuleminen



ilmentymä, ruumiillistuma, personointi, elollistaminen, henkilöinti, personifikaatio, uskontunnustus, evankeliumi, inkarnaatio, henkilöitymä, avatara, jumalointi.

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incarnation rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Englannin sanakirja

incarnation englanniksi

  1. An incarnate being or form.

  2. Jeffrey

  3. She is a new incarnation of some of the illustrious dead.
  4. F. W. Robertson

  5. The very incarnation of selfishness.
  6. (quote-magazine)

  7. A living being embodying a deity or spirit.

  8. An assumption of human form or nature.

  9. A person or thing regarded as embodying or exhibiting some quality, idea, or the like

  10. (ux)

  11. The act of incarnating.

  12. The state of being incarnated.

  13. puhekieltä A rosy or red colour; flesh colour; carnation.

  14. puhekieltä The process of healing wounds and filling the part with new flesh; granulation.

  15. embodiment (entity typifying an abstraction)

  16. puhekieltä (l). Specifically, the incarnation of God in the form of Jesus Christ.
