

  1. kuokka

  2. yhteys|afroamerikkalaisten englantia|alatyylinen|halventava|slangia|k=en huora


Yo, ahm not a hoe, ya skank!



kuokka, välikappale, muokata, kyntää, kuokkia.

Liittyvät sanat: hoennainen, hoenta.

Rimmaavat sanat

hoe rimmaa näiden kanssa:

oboe, koe, Papa-koe, HIV-koe, valintakoe, monivalintakoe, reaalikoe, kielikoe, tuulitunnelikoe, mallikoe...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

hoe (englanti > suomi)

  1. kuokka

  2. kuokkia

hoe englanniksi

  1. An agricultural tool consisting of a long handle with a flat blade fixed perpendicular to it at the end, used for digging rows.

  2. 2009, TRU TV, 28 March:

  3. It was obvious that it consisted of several blows to the head from the hoe.
  4. The horned or piked dogfish.

  5. puhekieltä To cut, dig, scrape, turn, arrange, or clean, with this tool.

  6. to hoe the earth in a garden

    Every year, I hoe my garden for aeration.

    I always take a shower after I hoe in my garden.

  7. puhekieltä To clear from weeds, or to loosen or arrange the earth about, with a hoe.

  8. to hoe corn

  9. puhekieltä (alternative spelling of).

  10. 2002, Eithne Quinn, http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN0231124082&id=9cLZ0VAkLDgC&pg=PA117&lpg=PA117&dq=hoe+pimp&sig=IiwOQaNbwkhUC5r60iVlLJH7ldU&hl=en Nuthin’ But a “G” Thang: The Culture and Commerce of Gangsta Rap

  11. this chapter will explore why pimp (and hoe) characters, with their dramatic staging of gendered and occupational relations have taken such hold of the black youth imagination
  12. 2003, Dan Harrington, http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN1847280420&id=j2A150xjwDoC&pg=PA1-IA1&lpg=PA1-IA1&dq=hoe+pimp&sig=VgJvVBh6a96_X1ZK_maj2b8Zob8 The Good Eye

  13. At school they had been among the only couples that had not done “it” at the Pimp & Hoe parties that popped up occasionally at the dorm
  14. 2003, Da’rel the Relentless One, http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN1413419089&id=-JewXC2zpm0C&pg=PA29&lpg=PA29&dq=hoe+pimp&sig=jvDSdIzvox0CheTjm6BCTlwMUbA M. T. Pimp

  15. Pimpin’ came so naturally to MT when he and his sisters played pimp and hoe games that one of his sisters wanted to hoe for him when they grew up.
  16. A piece of land that juts out towards the sea; a promontory.

  17. (l)

  18. water

  19. how

  20. taivutettu muoto

  21. oar

  22. (alternative form of)

  23. (l) (tool)

  24. how (gloss)
