

  1. kummallinen hölmöläinen



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Englannin sanakirja

goofball englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A foolish or silly person.

  2. If that goofball would put half the effort into her studies as she does into her juggling, she might do very well.

  3. puhekieltä A pill or tablet containing a pharmaceutical which has hypnotic or intoxicate intoxicating effects, especially a barbiturate.

  4. 1953 April 27, ",9171,818313,00.html Capsules," Time:

  5. Strong Cobb & Co. of Cleveland announced a new barbiturate which in overlarge doses will turn the stomachs of "goofball" addicts and would-be suicides.
  6. silly Silly.

  7. He announced, with his usual goofball humor, that hed like to marry me!''
