

  1. noukkia, haalia rippeet, kerätä (sadonkorjuussa korjaamatta jääneitä jyviä yms.)

  2. haalia kokoon (elantonsa)

  3. haalia tietoja; oppia (vaivalloisesti) vähän kerrallaan


(intransitiivinen) Before the apparition of modern agriculture, women often had to glean.

(transitiivinen) to glean a field, to glean the vineyards

He gleaned a living from freelance journalism.



poimia, korjata, kerätä, niittää, haalia, koota, nivoa yhteen, yhdistää.

Rimmaavat sanat

glean rimmaa näiden kanssa:

oikeaan, takaoikeaan, etuoikeaan, ennen vanhaan, harhaan, turhaan, kaikkiaan, kerta kaikkiaan, kaiken kaikkiaan, omiaan...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

glean englanniksi

  1. To collect (grain, grapes, etc.) leave behind|left behind after the main harvest or gathering.

  2. (RQ:Authorized Versio), Ruth 2:2,

  3. Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace.
  4. Shakespeare

  5. To glean the broken ears after the man / That the main harvest reaps.
  6. To gather what is left in (a field or vineyard).

  7. to glean a field

  8. To gather information in small amounts, with imply implied difficulty, bit by bit.

  9. John Locke

  10. content to glean what we can from (..) experiments
  11. 8 December 2011, BBC News, Iran shows film of captured US drone, available in :

  12. He said Iran was "well aware of what priceless technological information" could be gleaned from the aircraft.
  13. To frugally accumulate resources from low-yield contexts.

  14. He gleaned a living from newspaper work for a few months, but in the summer went to a fishing village where he wrote his great historical drama, "Master Olof." (Translators Edith and Warner Oland on author w:August Strindberg|August Strindberg.)

  15. A collection made by gleaning.

  16. Dryden

  17. The gleans of yellow thyme distend his thighs.
  18. puhekieltä cleaning; afterbirth

  19. (rfquotek)
