

  1. hauska, hassu

  2. tavallisesta tai odotetusta poikkeava

Liittyvät sanat: fun



outo, epätavallinen, tavaton, erikoinen, kummallinen, merkillinen, omalaatuinen, omituinen, kumma, eriskummallinen, hassu, omaperäinen, poikkeuksellinen, humoristinen, huvittava, hauska, koominen, hupaisa, hilpeä, surkuhupaisa, naurattava, kipeä, sairas, huonovointinen.


Rimmaavat sanat

funny rimmaa näiden kanssa:

penny, nynny, känny...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

funny (englanti > suomi)

  1. hassu, hauska, hupaisa, huvittava, koominen

  2. kummallinen, outo, hassu

  3. vitsi

funny englanniksi

  1. amusing Amusing; humorous; comical. (defdate)

  2. When I went to the circus, I only found the clowns funny.

  3. strange Strange or unusual, often implying unpleasant. (defdate)

  4. The milk smelt funny so I poured it away.

    Ive got a funny feeling that this isn't going to work.''

  5. 2011, Sarah Webb, It Had To Be You

  6. 'Moved in where?' Sam asked Brona in confusion. 'What boyfriend?'
    'Glen,' Brona said quietly. 'You met him a while ago, remember? He only moved in last week. I was going to tell you but (..) I thought you might be funny about it, that's all.'
  7. puhekieltä A joke.

  8. 2014, Brian Conaghan, When Mr. Dog Bites (page 54)

  9. Everyone would be sitting on big fluffy white clouds singing songs, telling funnies and just enjoying the day.
  10. puhekieltä A comic strip.

  11. 2009, R. P. Moffa, The Vaulted Sky (page 343)

  12. His father was more likely to listen to the radio, although he would read the Sunday funnies, and his grandmother would only read the Italian language paper she picked up at the corner candy store.
  13. puhekieltä A narrow boat for scull sculling.
