


säästää, tehdä tarpeettomaksi, ehkäistä, estää, torjua, kieltää, sulkea ulkopuolelle, kääntää pois, saada poikkeamaan, pitää loitolla, karttaa, väistää, välttää, pysäyttää, vaikeuttaa, tehdä tyhjäksi, haitata, hankaloittaa, olla jnk tiellä.

Rimmaavat sanat

forestall rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

forestall englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To prevent, delay or hinder something by taking precautionary or anticipatory measures; to avert.

  2. Fred forestalled disaster by his prompt action.

  3. puhekieltä To preclude or bar from happening, render impossible.

  4. In French, an aspired h forestalls elision.

  5. puhekieltä To purchase the complete supply of a good, particularly foodstuffs, in order to charge a monopoly price.

  6. To anticipate, to act foreseeingly.

  7. Milton

  8. What need a man forestall his date of grief, / And run to meet what he would most avoid?
  9. 1919, w:William Somerset Maugham|W. Somerset Maugham, w:The Moon and Sixpence|The Moon and Sixpence, s:The Moon and Sixpence/Chapter XXVI|chapter 26

  10. She insisted on doing her share of the offices needful to the sick. She arranged his bed so that it was possible to change the sheet without disturbing him. She washed him. (..) She did not speak to him much, but she was quick to forestall his wants.
  11. To deprive (with of).

  12. Shakespeare

  13. All the better; may / This night forestall him of the coming day!
  14. puhekieltä To obstruct or stop up, as a road; to stop the passage of a highway; to intercept on the road, as goods on the way to market.

  15. puhekieltä An ambush; plot; an interception; waylaying; rescue.

  16. Something situated or placed in front.
